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[6800] Re:파일 입출력에 관한 질문입니다.
Lyn [tohnokanna] 13248 읽음    2012-11-21 17:47
확장자만 dat로 바꾸면 됩니다 =_=;
이름에 의미를 두지 마세요

어렵다 님이 쓰신 글 :
: C언어 초보인데 어려운 과제를 맡게돼서 질문드립니다.
: t_1Hz_input.dat
: t_2Hz_input.dat
: t_sum_input.dat
: 을 입력받아서 256-point FFT를 실행한 후
: f_1Hz_output.dat
: f_2Hz_output.dat
: f_sum_output.dat
: 을 출력받는 프로그램을 짜야 합니다.
: 입력파일은 소스를 다 짰습니다 .그런데 dat파일은 어떻게 생성시키는 건가요?
: 책이나 강좌를 보면 보통 다 txt 파일인데 어떻게 해야 하는지 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다ㅜ.ㅜ
: (제가 구한 소스는 아래 소스입니다. 혹시 도움이 될까 해서 올렸습니다. 저 소스는 기본소스이고 제가 파일이름이나 이런 것을 바꿔야 하는데 어떻게 바꿔야 할지..감이 잘 안 잡힙니다. 제맘대로 바꿔보았는데 에러는 없지만 실행이 안됩니다.)
: (조금 쉽게 자세히 설명해주시면 더 감사하겠습니다.)ㅜ,ㅜ
: #include <stdlib.h>
: #include <stdio.h>
: #include <string.h>
: #include <math.h>

: #define MAX(a,b)    (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
: #define PI  3.141592

: typedef struct {
:     double real, imag;

:    FILE *fp;

: /* function prototypes for DSP disk file functions */
:    FILE *open_read(char *);
:    FILE *open_write(char *);
:    void read_record(FILE *,double *,int);
:    void write_record(double *,int);
:    double *read_double_record(FILE *);

: /* function prototypes for dft and inverse dft functions */
:    void fft(COMPLEX *,int);
:    int log2(unsigned int);

: /************************************************************************
: IFFTTEST.C - Demonstrate and test FFT and Inverse FFT functions
: Requires time domain data file in DSP_FILE format.
: Generates DSP_FILE format files for spectral magnitude
: and reconstructed time domain data.
: ************************************************************************/

: void main(void)
: {
:     int          i, length, fft_length, m;
:     double       tempflt;
:     double       *signal,*log_mag;
:     COMPLEX      *samp;

: // Read the input data file from the dsp format.  데이타파일 읽는 명령
:     fp = open_read("test.txt");
:     length = 128;
:     signal = read_double_record(fp);

: // determine fft size and allocate the complex array - fft size와 배열
:     m = log2(length);
:     fft_length = 1 << m;   //bit shift
:     samp = (COMPLEX *) calloc(fft_length, sizeof(COMPLEX));

: // copy input signal to complex array and do the fft
:     for (i=0; i<length; i++)
:   samp[i].real = signal[i];
:     fft(samp, m);

: /* find log magnitude and store for output */
:     log_mag = (double *)calloc(fft_length, sizeof(double));
:     for (i=0; i< fft_length; i++)
:  {
:         tempflt  = samp[i].real * samp[i].real;
:         tempflt += samp[i].imag * samp[i].imag;
:         tempflt =  sqrt(tempflt);
:         log_mag[i] = 10 * log10(MAX(tempflt, 1.e-14));
:     }
:     fp = open_write("test_out.txt");  //결과 저장 텍스트 //
:     write_record(log_mag, length);
: }

: /**************************************************************************
: DISKIO.C - Source code for DSP data format read and write functions
:     open_read          open DSP data file to be read
:     open_write         create header and open DSP data file for write
:     read_record        read one record
:     write_record       write one record
:     read_float_record  read one record and convert to float array
: *************************************************************************/

: /***************************************************************************************
: open_read - open a DSP data file for read
: Returns a pointer to a DSP_FILE structure allocated by the function and opens file_name.
: Allocation errors or improper type causes a call to exit(1).
: A bad file_name returns a NULL pointer.
: DSP_FILE *open_read(char *file_name)
: ***************************************************************************************/

: FILE *open_read(char *file_name) /* file name string */
: {
: /* allocate the DSP data file structure */

:     fp = (FILE *) malloc(sizeof(FILE));

: /* open file for text read and update */
:     fp = fopen(file_name,"r");
:     return(fp);
: }

: /**************************************************************************
: open_write - open a DSP data file for write
: Returns a pointer to a DSP_FILE structure allocated by the function.
: Allocation errors or improper type causes a call to exit(1).
: A bad file name returns a NULL pointer.
: DSP_FILE *open_write(char *file_name, int records,int rec_len)
:     file_name       pointer to file name string
:     records         number of records of data to be written
:     rec_len         number of elements in each record
: *************************************************************************/

: FILE *open_write(char * file_name)
: {
: /* allocate the DSP data file structure */
:     fp = (FILE *) malloc(sizeof(FILE));

: /* open file for text write and update*/
:     fp = fopen(file_name,"wt");
:     return(fp);
: }

: /********************************************************************
: read_record - read one record of DSP data file
: Exits if a read error occurs or if the DSP_FILE structure is invalid.   
: Void read_record(FILE *fp , double *input , int length)
: ********************************************************************/

: void read_record(FILE *fp ,double * input , int length)
: {
:     int status , i;
:  for(i=0 ; i < length ; i++)
:  {
:   status = fscanf(fp,"%lf\n", &input[length + i]);
:     }
: }

: /************************************************************************************************************************
: read_double_record - read one record of DSP data file and convert to float array of values.
: Returns a pointer to the beginning of the allocated float array of values representing the record read from the DSP_FILE.
: Exits if a read or allocation error occurs.
: float *read_double_record(DSP_FILE *dsp_info)
: ************************************************************************************************************************/

: double *read_double_record(FILE * fp)
: {
:     static double *buf;            /* input buffer to read data in */
:     double *out;                    /* return output pointer */
:     double *out_ptr;
:  double *d_ptr;
:     int i,length,length_in;

:   length = 128;
:     length_in = 256;

:     buf = (double *) calloc(length_in,sizeof(double));
:     out = (double *) calloc(length,sizeof(double));

: /* read the record into buf */
:     read_record(fp , buf , length);

: /* perform conversion to floating point */
:      out_ptr = out; 
:      d_ptr = buf + 128;
:      for(i = 0 ; i < length ; i++)
:          *out_ptr++ = (double)(*d_ptr++);
:   return(out);                 /* return converted pointer */
: }

: /**************************************************************************
: write_record - write one record of DSP_FILE data
: Exits if write error occurs or if the DSP_FILE structure is invalid.
: void write_record(char *ptr,DSP_FILE *dsp_info, int length)
:     ptr        pointer to data to write to disk (type in dsp_info)
:     dsp_info   pointer to DSP data file structure   
: *************************************************************************/

: void write_record(double *ptr,int length)
: {
:     int status, i;
:  for(i=0 ; i < length ; i++)
:  {
:   status = fprintf(fp,"%lf\n", *ptr++);
:     }
: }

: /**********************************************************************
: fft     In-place radix 2 decimation in time FFT
: log2    Base 2 logarithm
: ***********************************************************************/

: /**********************************************************************
: fft - In-place radix 2 decimation in frequency FFT
: Requires pointer to complex array, x and power of 2 size of FFT, m
: (size of FFT = 2^m).  Places FFT output on top of input COMPLEX array.
: void fft(COMPLEX *x, int m)
: ***********************************************************************/

: void fft(COMPLEX *x, int m)
: { 
:   static COMPLEX *w;           // used to store the w complex array
:     static int mstore = 0;       // stores m for future reference
:     static int n = 1;            // length of fft stored for future
:     COMPLEX u, temp, tm;
:     COMPLEX *xi, *xip, *xj, *wptr;

:     int i, j, k, l, le, windex;

:     double arg, w_real, w_imag, wrecur_real, wrecur_imag, wtemp_real;

:     if(m != mstore)
:  {
:   // free previously allocated storage and set new m
:         if(mstore != 0) free(w);
:         mstore = m;
:         if(m == 0) return;       // if m=0 then done
:   // n = 2^m = fft length
:         n = 1 << m;  
:         le = n/2;  //difference between the upper and lower leg indices

:   // allocate the storage for w
:         w = (COMPLEX *) calloc(le-1,sizeof(COMPLEX));

:   // calculate the w values recursively 계산
:         arg = PI/le;         //  PI/le calculation
:         wrecur_real = w_real = cos(arg);
:         wrecur_imag = w_imag = -sin(arg);
:         xj = w;
:         for (j = 1 ; j < le ; j++)
:   {
:             xj->real = (double)wrecur_real;
:             xj->imag = (double)wrecur_imag;
:             xj++;
:             wtemp_real = wrecur_real*w_real - wrecur_imag*w_imag;
:             wrecur_imag = wrecur_real*w_imag + wrecur_imag*w_real;
:             wrecur_real = wtemp_real;
:         }
:     }
:  // start fft 푸리에 변환 시작
:     le = n;
:     windex = 1;
:     for (l = 0 ; l < m ; l++)
:  {
:         le = le/2;
:   // first iteration with no multiplies
:         for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i = i + 2*le)
:   {
:             xi = x + i;
:             xip = xi + le;
:             temp.real = xi->real + xip->real;
:             temp.imag = xi->imag + xip->imag;
:             xip->real = xi->real - xip->real;
:             xip->imag = xi->imag - xip->imag;
:             *xi = temp;
:         }
:   // remaining iterations use stored w
:         wptr = w + windex - 1;
:         for (j = 1 ; j < le ; j++)
:   {
:             u = *wptr;
:             for (i = j ; i < n ; i = i + 2*le)
:    {
:                 xi = x + i;
:                 xip = xi + le;
:                 temp.real = xi->real + xip->real;
:                 temp.imag = xi->imag + xip->imag;
:                 tm.real = xi->real - xip->real;
:                 tm.imag = xi->imag - xip->imag;            
:                 xip->real = tm.real*u.real - tm.imag*u.imag;
:                 xip->imag = tm.real*u.imag + tm.imag*u.real;
:                 *xi = temp;
:             }
:             wptr = wptr + windex;
:         }
:         windex = 2*windex;
:     }
:  // rearrange data by bit reversing
:     j = 0;
:     for (i = 1 ; i < (n-1) ; i++)
:  {
:         k = n/2;
:         while(k <= j)
:   {
:             j = j - k;
:             k = k/2;
:         }
:         j = j + k;
:         if (i < j)
:   {
:             xi = x + i;
:             xj = x + j;
:             temp = *xj;
:             *xj = *xi;
:             *xi = temp;
:         }
:     }
: }

: /**************************************************************************
: log2 - base 2 logarithm
: Returns base 2 log such that i = 2^ans where ans = log2(i).
: if log2(i) is between two values, the larger is returned.
: int log2(unsigned int x)
: *************************************************************************/
: int log2(unsigned int x)
: {
:     unsigned int mask,i;

:     if(x == 0) return(-1);      // zero is an error, return -1
:     x--;                        // get the max index, x-1
:     for(mask = 1 , i = 0 ; ; mask *= 2 , i++)
:  {
:         if(x == 0) return(i);   // return log2 if all zero
:         x = x & (~mask);        // AND off a bit
:     }

: }

+ -

관련 글 리스트
6799 파일 입출력에 관한 질문입니다. 어렵다 20012 2012/11/21
6800     Re:파일 입출력에 관한 질문입니다. Lyn 13248 2012/11/21
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